I'm sorry I've been absent. I moved and then the sickness hit our family. BUT I have gotten some reading done!!
Here's what I've read so far in 2018!
I just finished Lost Boy by Christina Henry today and I really enjoyed it! it's like a darker prequel to the Disney peterman we know. But I totally felt like that COULD be the true Peter! A savage of a boy who will do anything to get his way and have lots of fun! if you're interested in her click HERE.
Moonlight sins by Jennifer Armentrout I enjoyed as well. It's an adult romance book that I think you will enjoy if you have read paper princess by Erin Watt. Both have to do with spoiled fucked up brothers who need a bit of love in their messed up lives. If you wanna check out more on that click HERE.
Silver mask By Holly Black and Cassandra Clare I also enjoyed! This is the fourth book in the Magisterium series and its a middle grade fantasy story following a group of kids all trying to learn magic. I didn't find it much like Harry Potter even those the premise sounds like it a bit. interested? click HERE.
Of course I also have enjoyed all the land of stories books I've read so far! I love giving these books as gifts to parents of readers. I started the first book with my son and then I finished it without him the same day...then I got each of the other books at the library when available and read them. lol if you wanna check those out I think they are great for all ages! click here.
Truly devious by Maureen Johnson was an interesting read for me. I don't usually read mystery books but the premise of this one struck me and I wanted to read it! It was an odd read for me and I found the end extremely frustrating because I thought it was a stand alone...it's not. it had a cliffhanger and warning it doesn't answer ANY of your questions in this book. but I guess thats the point of a mystery point. if you wanna check it out, click here.
I really enjoyed the cruel prince by Holly Black. that cliffhanger was a pain! I liked the world and most of the characters. I'm excited for the next book! click here for info!
I personally did NOT like the reign of the fallen by Sarah Glen Marsh. I HATED the main character and so that ruined the entire story for me. I did enjoy the world and the premise but the main character was NOT my kind of character. If any other character had been made the main character I think it would've been better personally. BUT if you're interested click HERE.
NEVERMOOR by Jessica Townsend was so good! I LOVED it. I loved the characters, the world, the issues, the commentary and banter. I loved the magic and basically everything about this book. It reminded me of Harry Potter, Narnia, series of unfortunate events etc etc! just go read it if you like middle grade books, magic and underdogs! click HERE.
The language of thorns by Leigh Bardugo was odd, interesting and memorable. One of the stories was really freaky and I didn't see the end coming AT all and it gave me goosebumps in all the creepy ways! other stories were more predictable but none were predictable all the way through. interested? click HERE.
So that what I've been reading! I can't wait for more great books! I have an ARC of fury born I need to read and I have a buddy read planned for the red rising series so stay tuned!
Much love-bookish mom
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