Friday, December 23, 2016

So sorry

hey loves! Sorry I've been absent for so long! My computer has been down for 8 months now and it's so hard to blog on my phone! BUT I've been reading and will have some posts soon! I'm hoping to become an ARC and reviewer for Jennifer armentrout! Merry Christmas everyone!! I've just finished recipe for disaster by Stacey ballis and loved it! i'm finishing up winners curse now and am really enjoying it as well! Hope all Is well with everyone and you get lots of books for Christmas! I've been teaching my 5 year old to read and he's getting literally about 50 books for Christmas! Not even exaggerating! I'm so happy to see him reading and loving it! We read together nightly! many of the books I got him are his reading level or fairly close to it so he can read them with help., but I also got him the first six dragon wings books and the illustrated Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone as well to read with me and have me read to him! This the season to spread book cheer! :) hope your stockings are stuffed with at least one book! So much love- Bookishmom