Friday, June 9, 2017

I'm Back!!!!!

Hello, hello, my beautiful readers!!

I've had a broken computer for like a year now so I finally bought a new one and this time its a laptop. I got the MacBook Pro. Anyways, I've been working a ton and of course reading oh and I got engaged since I last blogged.

But I'm finally back and plan to do reviews more often! my favorite book of the year so far is still Heartless by Marissa Meyer. JEST <3 I have read 27 books so far this year though. The sweet evil series by Wendy Higgins was pretty good.  And if you have a kiddo like me that likes fantasy, my son and I have been devouring the wings of fire series.

I've also tried out a few book box subscriptions since march. I've tried owlcrate, whimsify, uppercase, once upon a book club, and the bookish box so far. Although my favorites have been owlcrate and Whimsify. Only thing I didn't like about Whimsfy is their books aren't signed which sucks for me. owlcrate is nice unless I hate the theme for that month.

So here's what I've been up to. Collecting more books for my TBR list/jar, and reading while enjoying some good food.

Thanks for reading, talk to you again soon-Bookishmom


  1. So many great books! I hope you enjoy them all!
    Megan @
