Hey everyone!! Sorry i’ve Been MIA. I have had some major life changes!! We are currently all sick after moving across country. I haven’t been able to read much but we did listen to a few audiobooks on the road. Turns out we all enjoy Artemis fowl. As well as the land of stories books!
I’ve signed up for FOUR bookish secret Santa’s this year!!! I’ve never even signed up for one before and somehow I ended up doing four!! Because I can’t say no when my friends ask me to sign up with them! Lol I’m also doing a international holiday card exchange this year! PLUS on Black Friday I scored a bunch of signed books for myself and friends! I ended up picking up two copies of uncommon types by Tom Hanks for one friend and a stranger who said she was dying to find it! One of those copies has been shipped off to Ireland and hopefully will make it in time for Christmas! Then I got the lying game signed for one of my secret Santa gifts! Renegades for another secret Santa gift and I’m still looking for a signed book to go with the Harry Potter socks I got my last secret Santa. I’m also sending a little girl the book seekers. All my secret Santa’s get a holiday card from me as well with homemade watercolor bookmarks because the ones I bought never showed up. LOTS of my mail has gone missing during this move because apparently my address is hard to enter correctly for some businesses.
I also have several signed and unsigned books I’ll be hiding around my new area for the book fairies!
So that’s how my season is going. Besides the fact that I feel like I tried to run into platform 9 3/4 and hit the brick wall. Hopefully I will feel better soon and be able to read more! I’m currently slowly making my way through before she ignites.
Happy holidays, merry wishes and lots of love to all and anyone reading this!
May your holidays be bright! Eat some pumpkin pie for me! Eat, read and be merry!
Warm wishes- Bookish Mom